Sometimes a micro business idea comes out of nowhere. That’s exactly what happened for 16-year-old Ashton Canada. After his video game console malfunctioned, Ashton decided to take apart the device and research how to fix it himself. While the machine was deconstructed, he realized how easy it would be to customize. Ashton experimented by adding glass, lights, and eventually a custom paint job to his game console. Soon, friends started to notice his unique console and controllers. At first, Ashton modified a handful of controllers for friends. It wasn’t long before he needed to create a website for his micro business, UniqueModz! Business has steadily increased ever since. Even though Ashton doesn’t play many video games anymore, he traded that time for something much more profitable!
Courtesy of NaplesNews
Good with gadgets, like Ashton? Start your own tech business with the help of my book, Starting a Micro Business.
Carol Topp, CPA