For 18-year-old Taylor Allen, music always came naturally. He spent his early years listening to music while playing trombone and drums. It wasn’t a surprise when Taylor’s first job was with a DJ company. From there, he found a passion, DJing. Taylor soon decided that he wanted to start his own DJ business. A micro business idea was born! After saving up the money he earned, Taylor spent around $1400 for his first set of speakers and started his own business, Sound and Rhythm DJ Services. He has slowly been building up his equipment ever since. Taylor got his first gigs through weddings, but eventually began to DJ school dances, which he loves. What does the future hold for Taylor? After college, he hopes to one day be a producer or band manager. His micro business will certainly start him down the right track!
Courtesy of St.MichaelPatch.
Taylor worked a traditional job in order to save enough money to start his own business. This is a great way to get your micro business idea going, especially if you need money to start up! Check out my book, Starting a Micro Business, and read about more tips to jumpstart your micro business!
Carol Topp, CPA