Tommy, a Billings teenager, didn’t want a traditional teen summer job, when his father suggested he start working. Instead, Tommy tapped into his entrepreneurial spirit and brainstormed a job of his own: a food stand! Tommy worked up a business plan, found the necessary permits, purchased the food and equipment and now sells burgers and hot dogs from his stand, situated in front of local businesses. In one month’s time alone, he was able to earn the money he invested into his micro business, and is now making a profit. Cool! Why did Tommy decide to run his own micro business? The freedom that comes with being your own boss. He says, “I think you work better working for yourself.” And his micro business sure attests to this!
Courtesy of Billings Gazette
Getting his micro business up and running takes some effort. Like Tommy’s food stand, he needed to get permits from his local government and ask permission from local business owners to set up his stand in front of their stores. But with a little perseverance, his micro business is taking off; yours can too! Take a look at my book, Starting a Micro Business, for a little help with those tricky parts of business. It is possible, teens, to run your own business!
Carol Topp, CPA