What’s the “buzz” word for 15-year-old Seattle teen Henry Miller’s micro business? BEES! Ever since Henry learned just how crucial bees were to our ecosystem as a whole, he decided to do something about it. Henry bought a small hive and has been keeping bees ever since. However, it wasn’t long before Henry found himself with a whole lot of honey. What could he do with it? Turn it into a micro business! Henry began bottling honey through his business, Henry’s Humdingers. To stand out from the rest, Henry incorporates spices like red pepper flakes, cinnamon, and ginger into the honey for a spicy zing. And the concept has taken off. Henry sells his honey at local trade shows with great results. His unique product earned the award of Top 5 New Products at the Natural Expo West and Henry became the Top Entrepreneur of 2011! And where is the honey taking him? Henry plans to release his product in local grocery stores in the very near future. What sweet success!
Courtesy of KomoNews.com
Is there something that you love to do, like keep bees? There could be a micro business hidden in that interest! Like Henry, he took something that he already loved and created a profitable business. You can too! Find a helpful guide in my book, Starting a Micro Business!
Carol Topp, CPA