Intrigued by a portable shower business? So was I!
This micro business began when 18-year-old Evan Jensen was traveling with his father and brother to North Dakota. Not staying in a hotel but unable to wait in long shower lines at a nearby truck stop, Evan hatched an idea:
Would portable showers be a good opportunity?
Back at home, Evan mulled over the business idea, and decided to go for it!
He borrowed funds, bought a trailer, and outfitted it with the fixtures and plumbing necessary to run a portable shower micro business.
Evan chose a prime location that he felt people on the go would be most apt to use his service and set a fixed rate to charge users for a 30-minute shower.
He hopes to one day sell the trailer and turn a profit, but for now is running his micro business as a college student.
Who would have thought that keeping clean could have resulted in a micro business?
Courtesy of Gas, Oil & Mining Contractor and AP.com
What’s so unique about this micro business? Evan has created a completely mobile business, and can therefore reach a large customer base easily.
His is a great example of seeing a need and filling that need! Have you noticed an underserved area near you, like Evan?
Even a mobile showering trailer can be a successful micro business.
Talk to someone about your micro business ideas; they might be the next big thing!
Feel free to contact me, teens, if you have any questions, and take a look at my Micro Business for Teens series to take your ideas to the next level.
Carol Topp, CPA