Like many teens today, UK teen Jordan Tomlinson was eager to find a full-time job, but unable to locate any within in the auto industry. Not letting this stop him, Jordan decided to put his entrepreneurial skills to work, and started his own micro business! What is he up to? With a love of automobiles, Jordan figured he could earn some money selling spare auto parts for models requiring special parts. And Jordan’s idea paid off! Today, he is one of the leading providers of specialty parts in his area, with a business called Rovers Returned. Talk about a great decision! How does his business work? Certain car models have parts that are expensive. But Rovers Returned has access to these parts, shipping them to needy customers. Jordan has combined his love for cars and a niche in the market to form a successful micro business!
Courtesy of Click Manchester
Are you in the same spot Jordan was, looking for a job as a teenager but unable to find one? Look no further; a micro business is right in front of you! What do you love to do? Is there a need for it where you live? Start brainstorming today and find tips in my book, Starting a Micro Business!
Carol Topp, CPA