You can hardly go anywhere without hearing about Pinterest these days. Well, what is it? And more importantly, how can Pinterest benefit your micro business? In this blog series, we are going to dive in to what Pinterest is all about and how to use it. We’ll see which businesses already use Pinterest and how YOU can take advantage of this popular medium for your micro business. Let’s get started…

Pinterest is a social media website, just like Facebook or Twitter. But instead of keeping up with what your friends are doing, people upload content in the form of “pins.” Now, what are these pins? They can be anything you like: recipes, funny photographs, the latest fashions, good books, exercise ideas, cool new products, anything! By clicking on each pin, you are linked to a website with tutorials, pictures, or more information on the subject. It’s a great idea, and other people think so too! It has exploded in popularity over the past year.

So, why use it? Each individual user has unlimited “pinboards,” to which they save these “pins,” like the picture on the right. Think of it as a cork board that you thumbtack fun ideas to. This allows you to look back at past “pins” and also check out what your friends (or potential customers!) are interested in.
Sounds cool, right? You might be thinking, “This is awesome! How do I get started?” Right now, to become a Pinterest user, you have to be invited by someone who already has a Pinterest account. Find a friend who has Pinterest and ask them to invite you. Or you can apply to the waiting list and wait to be accepted.