Join Rachel Coker, teenage author and micro business owner, and I as we discuss how to take an idea for a micro business and write out a the …
Video: Creating a Business Plan for Your Micro Business – Your Business Concept
So you have a great idea, or you've seen a great idea that you want to copy, now what? Now it's time to write out a plan for your micro …
Teaching Dollars and Sense for Teachers in IN, KY and OH
If you are a teacher in Kentucky, Indiana or Ohio consider attending the 2014 Life Fundamental$ Regional Summit Teaching Dollars …
Video: How Do I Set Up a Website for a Micro Business?
So you have this great micro business idea, but you don't know how to build a website to promote it. In the video below, Rachel Coker, a …
Start a micro business with no money (podcast)
Do you want to start a micro business, but fear you don't have the money to start? Dollars and Sense host, Carol Topp and guest host, 17 …