Join Rachel Coker, teenage author and micro business owner, and I as we discuss how to take an idea for a micro business and write out a the second part of a business plan, the marketing plan.
In the video, we explain that in a marketing plan, you want to write out who your potential customers are, how you’re going to reach them (online or in-person), and how much will you spend (both in time and money) advertising.
Next, you’ll want to list who your competition is, what your competitor’s weaknesses are, and how you’re going to stand out from them.
Finally, you’ll want to survey at least 5 different people to ask them what they think about your product or service.
For more information about how to start your own micro business and how you can write out your very own business plan, check out Carol Topp’s series of books, Micro Business For Teens, available at:, and
Carol Topp, CPA