This is a cool idea! Tom, who is 19 years old, just recently opened a furniture store called, Sandygate Furniture Store. …
Micro Business Idea: Trade Shop
Check this out! Here's another clever micro business opportunity for teens. Do you enjoy buying old things to turn around and sell for …
Child labor laws and entrepreneurs
Do child labor laws affect teenage micro business owners? The attorneys at Home School Legal Defense Association HSLDA have some helpful …
Micro Business Idea: GreenShields for School Buses
Wouldn't you love to tell your friends that you received a $25,000 grant from Pepsi? Well that's exactly what Jonny Cohen, age 17 is able to …
Q&A: How Does a Freelance Teen File a W-9?
Recently a young entrepreneur emailed me this question: "I am 14, and I use a freelancing site that requires a w-9; how would I …