Old enough to drive and passionate about cooking? A mobile food truck micro business may just be for you! It was for 17-year-old Zach Ware. After watching a television show about mobile food trucks, Zach decided that he wanted to run a mobile food business in his native Illinois. He saved up some money and bought a truck, purchased used kitchen equipment from eBay, and even sold his car to oufit his business, which he has deemed The Crave Truck. After compiling a business plan and researching his area, Zach started his micro business in the surrounding area. What does he sell? Waffles! With the help of his mom, a former restaurant owner, Zach has crafted delicious waffles for his truck, with a variety of toppings. What does Zach plan to do with his earnings? Fund his college education. It looks like Zach is well on his way to micro business success!
Courtesy of ChambanaMoms.com
Have you seen something recently that you would love to do, like Zach? Maybe it’s crafting candles or producing music. You can turn these into micro businesses! Just see my book, Starting a Micro Business, to learn exactly how to do this.
Carol Topp, CPA