For 15-year-old Brogan McReynolds, it all started with a goal. He needed to earn enough money to attend a private high school in his area. After years watching his mother sell homemade goods at a local farmer’s market, Brogan wanted to try his hand at a micro business. Brogan found that there was a need in his area for a unique food item: seasoned salts. This was just the spark he was looking for. Brogan purchased the necessary licensing to sell goods as well as various salts and seasonings, and got to work. Today, he runs a successful micro business, Tour de Salt, selling a wide variety of flavored salts, from lemon to hickory smoke, packaged at a local business. He has even started to develop recipes to accompany these salts. Yet Brogan sees this as more than selling salt; he has enjoyed the opportunity to pass on a normal teen job, and run his own business!
Courtesy of Ventura County Star
Brogan has a successful micro business because he discovered a need in his area, and fulfilled it! Learn how the needs in your area can yield a micro business through my book series, The Micro Business for Teens Curriculum!
Carol Topp, CPA