When you start a micro business, it shouldn't require that you go into debt to do so. In fact, most micro businesses can be started with out …
Why a micro business works for teens
Recently the Ozark Ramblings blog reviewed the Micro Business for Teens books. The post gives a nice summary what a micro business is and …
7 Reasons Not To Choose A Product-based Business
When starting a micro business, the first idea that pops into most people's minds are to start a product-based business. But the problem is …
Parents give Micro Business for Teens books a 6 week test.
70 parents and their teens (or pre-teens) gave the Micro Business for Teens books a 6 week test. Here's what some of them …
Video: Do a Mini Market Survey Before Starting a Micro Business
In today's video, I share with you how to do a mini market survey with friends, family, and people in your neighborhood or …