Do you want to start a micro business, but fear you don't have the money to start? Dollars and Sense host, Carol Topp and guest host, 17 …
Rachel Coker is 18 and has 4 micro business! Copy her!
Rachel Coker is 18 years old and runs three micro businesses: author, piano teacher, photographer and now she's adding writing …
Micro Business for Teens in Greenville, SC
I'll be in Greenville, SC March 20-22, 2014 at the SouthEast Great Homeschool Convention helping teenagers start a micro business. If you …
Tax tips and tricks for teen entrepreneurs
My name is Kenneth and at the moment I am a freshman in college. As you probably already know, tax season is here! I do plan on …
Teenage Taxation Without Representation video
Here's a short video produced by three teenagers on Teenage Taxation Without …