I want to start a micro business because I want to have rescue center for pit bulls. But just how do I to start a micro business?
A rescue center for pit bulls sounds more like a nonprofit organization than a for-profit business, but you could run it as a for-profit business, if your goal is to make a profit.
BTW, starting a for-profit business is a lot easier than starting a nonprofit! You need a board, bylaws, tax exempt status from the IRS, funding, etc. Read the articles on this page to learn how to start a nonprofit.
The way to get started with a (for-profit) micro business is to
- visit my blog posts on starting a micro business
- watch the Starting a Micro Business video,
- and then read the first book Starting a Micro Business.
That book will be helpful whether you try to start a nonprofit or a for-profit business.
There’s a lot to learn, but you can do it!
Carol Topp
Image by tiverylucky Freedigitalphotos.net