Recently a young entrepreneur emailed me this question: "I am 14, and I use a freelancing site that requires a w-9; how would I …
What’s an income statement and why should you care?
In Money and Taxes in a Micro Business, you can learn about the importance of good record keeping and an important financial statement …
Expiring tax provisions 2012 (in plain English)
Fast on the heels of the election has been news about the "fiscal cliff" and several tax breaks that are set to expire at the end of 2012 if …
Sharing Your Income With Uncle Sam
I'm quoted in the article from Wharton@High School on teens and taxes. Here's what I said about teenagers and taxes: Some high …
Teen Jobs and Tax Issues
I was interviewed by Kay Bell of for her article "Teen jobs and tax issues."Kay did a great job explaining taxes for …