Do you have a product or service to sell, but don't have a clue about how to find a buyer? You're not alone. A lot of micro business …
3 Tips for Running a Micro Business
In a previous blog post, I showed you 5 Reasons to Start a Micro Business. I hope it empowered you to put starting a micro business on the …
Your Sales Presentation: How and Why You Need to Write One
Quick! A person on the street walks up to you and asks what your business is. Can you explain it to him in as little as 30 seconds? A …
3 Things Running a Micro Business Can Teach You
When you're starting micro business, the main purpose of starting one should be to learn while earning money. Micro owners are interested in …
A Customer Doesn’t Pay Your Micro Business. Dollars and Sense Show #25
Show #25 What to do when a customer doesn’t pay your Micro Business. In this podcast, Carol Topp offers tips to micro business owners …