On the Dollars and Sense first show ( yes, show #1!) host Carol Topp discusses
What is a micro business and why is it such a great idea?
Based on her book Starting a Micro Business, Carol explains what a micro business is and why it’s such a great way for a teenager (or mom and dad) to earn money.
Show Notes:
What is a micro business
- Simple and fast to start up
- Only one worker, the owner
- Sole proprietorship (only one owner, unlike a partnership or a corporation)
- Little start up money needed or completely debt free
- Usually home-based
- Low risk
- Manageable
- Learn while earning
What can you learn?
- Business skills: customer service, marketing, pricing, record keeping, taxes, etc
- School skills, math, writing, speaking
- How to manage time, balance commitments, multi-task
- How to overcome shyness, be unique, gain confidence, overcome fear and express yourself
On the show Carol mentioned a a YouTube video based on her book, Starting a Micro Business
and her Pinterest page with lots of micro business ideas.
Learn more about starting and running a micro business
Tune in for the next Dollars and Sense show when Carol will discuss finding and testing a great idea for your micro business