Ron Pramschufer wrote a blog post over at Publishing Basics on Pros and Cons of Kickstarting Your Project Kickstarting (or, more …
Teen entrepreneurs use mom’s Facebook connections
Great blog post by Deborah L. Cohen over at Reuters on how a mom is using her social networks to help her son's micro business. When mother …
For being generous, I get a 2 star review on Amazon?
My ebook Teens and Taxes recently received a two-star review on Amazon. Here's what the reviewer, Gary Marble, said: This is a very …
Report: 15 percent of US youth out of school, work
This is horrible news: Study: 15 percent of US youth out of school, work WASHINGTON (AP) — Almost 6 million young people are …
Schoolhouse Expo this week! Hear Carol Topp speak about micro business for teens
What a great line up of presenters at the Schoolhouse Expo this week! (including me at 4 pm ET on Thursday August 22. I'll be …