Phil and his best friend, John, verbally agreed to start website as a partnership and split everything 50/50. The business really took off …
Micro Business for Teens e-books
I will be selling Micro Business for Teens electronic books using this card when I speak at homeschool conferences this spring. (I'll be …
Starting a business selling products with multi-level marketing.
Ever thought of trying to start a business that uses a multi-level marketing (MLM) plan? Here's the story of one guy, Josh Day from …
Micro Business for Teens in Greenville, SC
I'll be in Greenville, SC March 20-22, 2014 at the SouthEast Great Homeschool Convention helping teenagers start a micro business. If you …
Tax tips and tricks for teen entrepreneurs
My name is Kenneth and at the moment I am a freshman in college. As you probably already know, tax season is here! I do plan on …