I found a great blog post over at ToiletPaperEntrepreneur.com (yea that's the name of a website!) on How To Determine A Successful …
Dollars and Sense Show # 1: What is a micro business and why is it such a great idea?
On the Dollars and Sense first show ( yes, show #1!) host Carol Topp discusses What is a micro business and why is it such a …
Teen wants to rescue pitbulls: micro business or nonprofit?
I want to start a micro business because I want to have rescue center for pit bulls. But just how do I to start a micro …
Micro Business Idea: Cupcakes
HERE IS A TEEN'S delicious dreams coming true. Megan is a 16 year old student who recently opened her own cupcake store called, The Megan …
13 Year Old Student Invents and Crowdsources iCPooch
WOULDN'T BE GREAT IF you could talk to your dog when you away from home? Well, pretty soon this will be possible all thanks to a 13 year old …