Rachel Coker is 18 years old and runs three micro businesses: author, piano teacher, photographer and now she’s adding writing coach!
You should copy her!
Watch the video below as Rachel discusses to a group of parents and teens at the Cincinnati Home School convention, how she started each business. She shares tips and ideas that you can use to start a micro business.
Did Rachel inspire you that you could take your interests and turn them into a money-making micro business?
A micro business is a small, simple and fast to start-up, sole-proprietor business that usually consists of one worker, the owner. Micro Businesses are usually low-risk and easy enough for a teenager to manage along with schoolwork and other extracurricular activities.
Check out my books today and start your own micro business for success! Available for purchase on Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Createspace, and as a PDF eBook on my website.
If you do publish (or self-publish) a book, then you’ll benefit from reading my book Business Tips and Taxes for Writers, because writing is a business!
Carol Topp CPA